Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sublingual Melatonin - Facts On Sublingual Melatonin

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This is an info guide on the popular sleep aid, sublingual melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by our pineal gland in our brain. Its primary role is regulating our bodies sleep cycle. Simply put, when our brain thinks its time to sleep, it begins releasing melatonin.

It relies on environmental cues to do this such as available light, which is why darkness is an excellent trigger. Of course, with the advent of the light bulb our sleeping patterns may have changed somewhat. Todays modern person is constantly bombarded by artificial light at all times of the day so its no wonder many of us have trouble sleeping at night. Not to mention those that have night jobs.

But melatonin does much more than make us sleepy. It is supposedly a powerful anti-oxidant that has anti-aging properties.

Now we move on to sublingual melatonin. Sublingual, which is a combination of the Latin words "sub" and "lingua" simple means, under the tongue. Sublingual liquid melatonin and tablet melatonin are meant to be placed under our tongues for absorption. What are the advantages of sublingual melatonin over regular melatonin pills? There is very little wastage as sublingual melatonin has fantastic absorption rates. Up to ninety percent of the chemical will be absorbed through the tongue. Our tongues have a very high density of capillaries, making the absorption process pretty direct. As opposed to ingesting which involves the stomach and intestine. It should be noted that there are a variety of sublingual supplements on the market like sublingual b12 for example.

Because so much of the sublingual melatonin is absorbed, it is great value for your money. You might not get the full dosage by swallowing melatonin tablets. Sublingual melatonin is sold in two forms for your convenience, liquid melatonin or in tablet form. These products are usually synthetic or animal derived melatonin. Synthetic versions are the safest as there is a risk or viruses with animal derived melatonin. There are a variety of brands out on the market such as natrol melatonin but not all of them have sublingual melatonin in their line-up. While natrol melatonin is sold in liquid form as well, it is not marketed as sublingual melatonin. But i suppose one could simply drop the liquid under the tongue for the same effect.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sublingual B 12 : Guide To Sublingual B12 Vitamins

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Before we actually get into the meat of what sublingual B12 actually is, lets take a look at the word sublingual. Sublingual is named after the latin word sub lingua which generally means "under the tongue". That description right there should give you a brief idea of what sublingual b12 is all about.

Next, lets take a brief look at what vitamin b12 does. Commonly known as Cobalamin, vitamin b12 is necessary for blood cell production as well as maintaining a healthy nervous system and brain. If you're not getting enough of this vital substance you may be experiencing some types of vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms.

Simply put, sublingual b12 is a vitamin b12 supplement that was designed to be absorbed via the area underneath your tongue. They are sold in either tablet (fast dissolving) or liquid form. There are many types of sublingual products on the market (sublingual melatonin) and sublingual b12 is just one of them. This is because there a few major advantages sublingual supplemets have over their regular counterparts :-

  • Quicker Absorption
  • Cheaper than a Vitamin B12 Shot
  • A Lot Less Painful Too =)
  • Good Value For Money

I say value for money because depending on the condition of our bodies, we may or may not be able to absorb vitamin b12 via capsule or tablet effectively. Sublingual b12 on the other hand, enjoys very good absorption rates. Some tests point to a 90% absorption rate.

The bottom of our tongues are jam packed with capillaries. As the sublingual vitamin b12 is absorbed through the tongue membrane, it enters our blood stream quickly via these blood vessels. The high density of blood vessels in our tongue also explains why it bleeds profusely any time it sustains a cut.

While higher absorption rates are great, this may pose a slight problem for some people. Since so much of the chemical taken up, you may be getting too much. Thankfully, there have been no known serious side effects from using large amounts of sublingual vitamin b12 at one go. Since it is a water soluble vitamin, any excess is simply passed out through urine.

While sublingual b 12 tabs are great products, there are generally more expensive than your regular b 12 supplements. So on the one hand, you have vitamin b12 shots as an alternative and injections are pretty self-descriptive. On the other hand, we have another viable alternative to b 12 sublingual tabs. Vitamin b 12 nasal sprays. The membrane in our noses also allow for quicker absorption. Which is one of the reasons why cocaine abusers love to snort it up the nose. The effect is almost instantaneous.

So you gotta weigh the pro's and cons of sublingual vitamin b12 supplements and come to a decision on which method of delivery is right for you. Stay tuned, stay healthy.

Vitamin B12 And Health

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My recent searches on this specific vitamin came about for a reason. I haven't been feeling too good lately, just tired all the time and maybe just a bit depressed. After searching high and low on google as to my condition, i came across information regarding vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms.

While looking at that list, i was ticking off the imaginary box in my head for a lot of them. The vitamin b12 deficiency symptoms that i seem to have are :-

  • Weight Loss
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mild Depression
  • Constant Lethargy

For a comprehensive list, visit Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms.

So i figured, i'm vitamin b12 deficient! It has to be it. And then i came across other bits about how our body doesn't really a good job when it comes to absorbing vitamin b12. The two options i came across are vitamin b12 shots and vitamin b12 nasal sprays.

I'll take the b12 nasal sprays thank you very much as i'm not that big on needles injecting vitamin b12 into my muscles. But if its for you, then check out my post, Vitamin B12 Shot.

Unfortunately i haven't found out if vitamin b12 deficiency is the reason for my physical and mental failings lately because i'm not getting a vitamin b12 shot (which is easy, just drop by the clinic) and i haven't gone shopping for vitamin b12 nasal sprays either.

But i hope to pick one up this weekend. I wanna see what happens. If it isn't a vitamin b12 deficiency then its no big deal, i'll just supplement my vitamin b12 intake with the spray and try and be healthy (which i'm not).

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