Sunday, August 2, 2009

Vitamin B12 Injections : All You Need To Know About B12 Injections

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This post deals with Vitamin B12 injections as the preferred method of absorbing this essential vitamins. But first, a bit about vitamin b12. Cobalamin, or its more recognizable name vitamin b12 plays is absolutely essential for our bodies to function normally. Along with regulating normal nervous system and brain function, it is also crucial in the formation of blood. Without proper amounts of vitamin b12, we may experience lethargy, mild depression and it may even effect our memory.

Vitamin B12 injections are an effective form of delivering the vitamin to our bodies especially for quick delivery. Why bother with vitamin b12 injections you may ask. Why not just take capsules or tablets? The problem lies in our bodies ability to absorb b12, which is less than stellar so to speak and it we will absorb less still the older we get.

The best methods of getting b12 is through eating certain types of foods, vitamin b12 injections and nasal sprays. Dairy products, eggs, fish and meat have good levels of b12.

The elderly and those that are anemic routinely take vitamin b12 shots. Anemic patients cannot produce enough red blood cells naturally while elderly folk have very inefficient uptake percentages. The Vitamin B 12 injection is usually a direct injection into the muscles itself as this seems to be the most effective area of delivery. If it sounds painful, that's because it is. While modern medicine has given us alternatives (oral consumption), most doctors still rely on the reliable vitamin b12 injections.

Fortunately for us, there is another method of delivery that is also quite effective. Nasal sprays. Rapid absorption takes place along the mucous membranes in our noses. Which is also why drug abusers like to snort cocaine through a straw of some sort. So if a vitamin b12 injection isn't for you, then this may be a better choice.

Vitamin b12 injections are sometimes administered to those suffering from depression or lethargy as b12 has been known to possess some amounts of stress-relieving power. Those that are worried about overdosing on b12 need not worry as have been no adverse side effects related to taking large amounts of vitamin b12 in a single go.

As with anything dealing with health issues, please consult your doctor on whether a vitamin b12 injection is for you. There are some side effects and not everyone should take a vitamin b12 injection. But i will be covering that in another blog post. Stay tuned, stay healthy.

Further Reading :- Vitamin B12 Deficiency Symptoms


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